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Introduction to MINI Master of business administration
Introduction to the course
Introduction to the world of business administration
Human Resource Management
Introduction to human resource management
Human Resources Goals - Job Analysis
Human resource functions
training and development
Statistics and employee records
Job Description
Scope of human resources
Basic concepts in human resources
Presentation Skills
An introduction Presentation Skills
Introduction to public speaking skills
Presentation procedures
Presentation rules
Marketing Management
Introduction to Marketing Management
Marketing concepts
The target segment
Marketing Management
Marketing principles and rules
Principles and rules of marketing, part two
Marketing mix
Marketing Mix Part Two
Marketing Mix Part Three
Marketing Mix Part IV
Marketing Mix Part Five
Model AIDA
Sales Management
Introduction to sales management
Personal selling
Non-personal selling
Non-personal selling, part two
Selling Strategies
Steps to effective selling
Types of customers
Types of customers Part Two
Leadership Skills
Leadership skills
training and development
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